
Apollo Road Presents: Maude Andrade | Studio Visit

Here’s a video Alejandro Velasquez, the creative force behind Apollo Road, made this summer at my studio documenting my work & process. Alejandro is a delight to work with, he has the soul of an artist the know-how & aptitude to bring technology into the mix. I'm blessed to have him guide me into this world of presenting myself and my work via podcasts and video. Enjoy the video and a glimpse into my studio.

Visual Connections

The first image is the last painting I did for “The Flying to the Moon for Band Aids” show in 2017.  It didn’t get finished in time for the opening and it’s the last painting I made in my Harwood studio before I moved into my new studio in 2018. It’s a transitional piece, packed away until on some strange whim I pulled it out for my open studio December 2019.  I was surprised to see it’s connection to the work I’ve been making this in 2019. I’d been feeling disjointed in my painting  after the move, and chiding myself for not being more focused. I even purchased a note book to “get more organized”, to keep myself on track…..whatever that means…….. inadvertently by hanging this piece in between the graphite painting (image 2) and the “sphere paintings” (image 3) I see new connections in my work, what a relief! And why have I been so worried about this?  In my own weird way, I’m being consistent, at least for the moment it all makes sense in my head and in the paint.